Why choose Relationship Coaching Institute for your Relationship Coach Training?
The best way to answer that question is to first answer this one: Why do you want to take a relationship coach training in the first place – what is your ultimate goal?
If you just want to learn something about relationship coaching – maybe to improve your own relationships or to volunteer your services in your community, you’ll have plenty of options. But if your answer includes building a successful relationship coaching business, RCI is the obvious choice.
Not all coaching programs are created equal.
Most coach training organizations teach you how to coach – and then say good-bye to you. But really, in some ways, that’s when you need help the most. If you’re like most, you have a passion to be of service, but aren’t passionate about creating and running a business.
Running a business is complex – but not difficult. There are countless things you need to do, you could do, and countless more that you shouldn’t do. How do you know which is which? How do you know the order to do them? And when you aren’t seeing results, how do you course-correct?
We make it as easy as 1-2-3. Far more than just another business building program, we provide you a SYSTEM with everything you need to ensure your success as a coach, with all the support and resources needed to implement the system.